The Last crusade is arguably about the coming together of the all American Hero who's action packed lifestyle entertains with the boring old librarian. Indy continuously shocks his father by his actions:
Indy is a representation of who everyman wants to become. The ultimate American hero, a ladies man, good fighter, interlectual etc What makes comparing these two heroes together is how differently the films represent them. The last crusade is a celebration. The tension between a father and son is destroyed along with the grail and this creates a new beginning in Indy and Henry's relationship.
The empire Strikes Back on the otherhand is about a hero finding himself, throughout the film Luke fails a lot.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCSVfTL784Q Infact this film seems to centre on the downfall of our hero.
The infamous line "Luke, I am your father." one of the most famous line in history proves these. Greatly contrasting the theme in the last crusade The Empire Strikes Back documents the beginning of the tension between a father and son. A new bond is formed and barriers put up. Luke is shown as a hero in progress he is vulnerable and prone to mistakes which adds to his innocent look. Luke as a character is so much younger and inncoent than Indy although both share the same determination. In Indiana Jones's case he will never be destroyed or seen as weak (although Indiana is at his weakest when his father is dying but that is not physical weakness it's emotional) however Luke Skywalker is prone to weakness just as his father was. In the battle he is badly hurt (one hand cut off) and the fact that Vader is his father again adds to his vulnerablitlity as there is a great increase in expecting Luke to become evil as Vader did.
Luke hanging from the bottom of the city just shows that he is a beaten hero..I don't think I have ever seen a hero look so weak within a scene. He is badly hurt after the fight with vader in which 1. he was defeated. 2. he found out that the most evil being in space is his father. He is dangling on some thin pipes, if they break or he slips he will fall to his death.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmW1Hnh-xdo Now compare this to the ending of the last crusade. Indy and his father's relatioship reaches a new height when his father addresses him as Indiana and not Juniour showing that he finally sees him as a man and not a young boy. It also shows Henry throw away his whole lifes research in order to keep his son showing that his priorities are where they should be. Although the grail is destroyed, it allows their relationship to recover and creates a closure for the both of them. Here Indy looks strong, he is amongst friends and family who he can trust. On horseback his strengthg is emphasised as he is controlling an animal but also the horse acts as a kind of plimph making the audience literally look up to him. The conventional riding into the sunset scene creates a feeling of endless possibilities and creates a feeling that what Indiana and Henry have got ahead of them (relationship wise) is going to be far greater. It's a very posisitve ending to a film which is full of conflict. Unlike the star wars film it gives the audience and characters closure making it a far more comfortable ending.
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